
At home in rental properties - Select-a-House


a. The self-aware city dweller


The often young “Self-confident urban dweller” is relatively often single or living alone. She is highly educated, but still has a relatively low (start-up) income. They usually live in a rented house in the city.


The city is the ideal base for this group, as it caters for all needs. Cinema, café, concert, disco, but also museum and theater for some art and culture are within easy reach. They also enjoy hockey, skiing and water sports. “The self-confident city dweller” buys many books and expensive, preferably informative magazines.

b. The active trend follower


Often “The active trend followers” are singles or families without children. They live in a flat, floor, upstairs or downstairs apartment. They have an average to below average income, which they deal with consciously. They usually have an MBO or HBO education.


“The active trend follower” goes out very regularly. She is actively involved with the body, regularly goes to the gym and is involved in sports such as squash and skiing. Popular are the music channels on TV and Radio538, to stay informed of today's hits! And, of course, they read trendy magazines to keep abreast of everything new and hip.

c) Senior social


“The social senior” is relatively often single and over 55 years of age, but usually somewhat older. They often live in a smaller house. Because this type often no longer works (full-time), they usually have an average or below average income.


A sober lifestyle is characteristic of “The social senior”. A game of bridge, handicrafts or crossword puzzles is more than once interspersed with volunteer work. They are actively working to stay healthy. The magazines they read are Plus, health magazines and Het Beste. The radio is set to Radio1, 4 and 747 AM.

d. The conscious Burgundian


“The Conscious Burgundian” is middle-aged or older. They usually have older children or they have already left home. They are highly educated and belong to the higher social classes. The high income ensures that “The conscious Burgundian” can enjoy life to the fullest.


“The conscious Burgundian” enjoys! Culture, antiques, investing, luxury cars, theater, art, bridge, a political discussion and of course a good bottle of wine can certainly bear the approval of this Burgundian. Especially golf, hockey, tennis, skiing and sailing are popular sports. They read a lot. No vague rubbish, just a good book or informative articles.

e. The independent student


“The independent student” is usually a student who no longer lives with the parents. And sometimes he/she has just finished studying and started the first job, but still lives as a student. They often still live in a smaller (shared) home, because their income is still low. The degree of relocation is high in this group.


“The independent student” still lives in the city and enjoys city life. Goes out a lot to cafes, concerts, theater, cinema and discos. In addition, the student is focused on gathering a lot of information and therefore buys a lot of books and magazines, but the internet is also a source of information. The student is also sporty and eager to travel, very keen on discovering new things.

f. The average family


Of course this concerns families with children! Often the breadwinner has completed vocational training and both partners have a job. This “average family” can count itself lucky with the average to above-average income, because with the children the money always goes through it quickly.


The day-to-day business often revolves around the children and the house. Activities with the children, gardening and housework are common activities and the media (television, radio and magazines) are also tailored to the family. It is striking that “The average family” likes to go camping. Apparently the campsite is the place where children experience the best holidays…

g. The everyday worker


The families of the type “The everyday worker” usually consist of 2 to 4 people. They are mainly families with older children or families without children aged 35 or older. The breadwinner usually has a lower or secondary vocational education and the income of the family is below average to average.


In his spare time, “The Everyday Worker” reads youth magazines, men's and gossip magazines. Furthermore, the television is relatively much on. Not just football. We look at channels where many game programs can be seen. Quizzes, show and entertainment programs and a DVD every now and then.

h. The ambitious entrepreneur


“The ambitious entrepreneur” often has a family with children living at home or away from home. They are often self-employed entrepreneurs, directors or executives in higher ranks within companies. They have often achieved this function by simply working hard. Financially it is well together. They therefore spend their above average income generously on the family and beautiful things.


In his spare time, he (or his family members) practices many sports such as golf, hockey and horseback riding. Furthermore, “The ambitious entrepreneur” is very interested in antiques, investing, wines and reading various books and magazines. He is in possession of various electronics and when something new comes on the market, he is one of the first.

i. The cultural outdoorsman


“The cultural outdoorsman” is usually no longer a starter. Relatively often these are (older) single people. They have an above-average education, but not an extremely high income.


“The cultural outdoorsman” is strongly socially and socially involved. He/she is aware of the environment and the environment and is also willing to contribute to it, both in the form of money and a physical contribution. They are interested in art, culture, concerts, museums and theatre. The cultural outdoorsman reads a lot, especially books, quality newspapers, home and news magazines. An outdoorsman because they are rarely at home, because they often live in the city.

j. The traditional rural enjoyer


“The traditional rural enjoyers” are usually (large) families or families where the children have already left home. The breadwinner usually has a secondary vocational education. The family has an average income, which is usually spent directly on the family.


Many free hours are spent in the garden or doing odd jobs around the house. Good tips come from the magazines that focus on people with green fingers or two right hands. More than average, religion plays a role in family life. And sometimes “The traditional country lover” likes a ride on the motorbike.

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